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Our Basic Policy on Corporate Governance

Our Basic Policy on Corporate Governance

We aim to achieve sustainable growth and increase corporate value of the Fujifilm Group while contributing to the sustainable development of society by conducting open, fair and clear business activities guided by the following Fujifilm Group's Purpose. We have positioned corporate governance as an important management priority to achieve this aim.

Fujifilm Group’s Purpose​

Giving our world more smiles​

We bring diverse ideas, unique capabilities,
​and extraordinary people together to change the world.​​​

We strive to adapt to changes in the Group's surrounding environments of management and operations to achieve sustainable growth and increase its corporate value. It also aims to respond to the requests and expectations from society and to contribute to its sustainable development. To this end, we work continuously to construct and enhance its corporate governance structure, which serves as a system for swift, clear decision-making and appropriate execution and supervision based on those decisions.