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Fujifilm Group Tax Policy

  1. In line with its Code of Conduct, which advocates an “Open, Fair and Clear” corporate culture, the Fujifilm Group shall comply with taxation laws of countries around the world, international taxation regulations and the spirit of such laws and regulations. The Group shall make payment of all required taxes by all specified dates in all countries in which it operates
  2. The Fujifilm Group shall thoroughly examine the contents of all business transactions in advance from the perspective of tax, receive advice from competent tax advisors if and when required, and implement reporting and preliminary approval processes for important tax matters in accordance with internal regulations in order to maintain and improve governance on tax affairs
  3. The Fujifilm Group shall maintain trusting relations with tax authorities, and give full consideration to, and if deemed necessary, shall proceed with its application for the Advance Pricing Agreement, so as to avert any lack of transparency in tax affairs
  4. The Fujifilm Group shall actively utilize beneficial tax treatment in countries in which it operates while complying with their legislative intent in order to maximize consolidated cash flow. The Group shall not engage in tax planning or use tax havens for the sole purpose of obtaining tax benefits.