News Release

June 7, 2022

FUJIFILM Holdings selected as Digital Transformation (DX) Stock 2022

Highly recognized for its group-wide promotion of Products DX, Operations DX and Human Resources DX

TOKYO, June 7, 2022 – FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation (President and CEO, Representative Director: Teiichi Goto) has been chosen as one of the “Digital Transformation Stocks (DX Stock) 2022,” in a program run by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE).

The DX Stock 2022 program selects TSE-listed companies that are engaged in efforts for proactive digital utilization to contribute in management, earnings and productivity for the improvement of corporate value and fortifying their competitiveness.

Across its far-reaching corporate activities, Fujifilm strongly promotes DX, leveraging cutting-edge digital technologies to dramatically advance not only operational methods and processes but also products and services. The latest selection in the DX Stock 2022 came in recognition of the following initiatives:

  • Establishing the DX Strategy Council with the CEO as the chairman and the CDO as the vice chairman, as the highest-decision-making body on group-wide DX promotion; Deploying Products and Services DX, Operations DX and Human Resources DX across the group under the All-Fujifilm DX Promotion Program for supporting individual DX activities by each division
  • Strengthening ICT use in products and services in the medical diagnostic imaging field; Actively engaging in the in-house development of AI technologies and offering various products which support diagnostic workflows at the medical frontline 
  • Launching the medical screening service business using AI technologies in emerging countries with the opening of a health screening center “NURA” in Bengaluru, India, thereby further contributing to early detection of cancer and lifestyle diseases; Amassing Fujifilm’s strengths to accelerate initiatives for solving medical issues around the world
  • Promoting work process reforms by actively adopting latest ICT tools and building a platform that aggregates various work data for analysis
  • Enhancing internal staff training programs under DX HR development strategy to develop diverse DX talent
[Logo]Digital Transformation Stocks (DX Stock) 2022

Comments from Teiichi Goto, president and CEO, representative director of FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation:

Fujifilm takes digital transformation (DX) as a top priority in our quest to achieve sustainable corporate growth and accomplish the CSR plan, “Sustainable Value Plan 2030 (SVP2030).” We are delighted that Fujifilm is selected as the DX Stock 2022 in recognition of our group-wide DX activities. Fujifilm will further drive DX activities to adapt to drastic changes in the business environment swiftly and flexibly. We will then provide innovative products and services, thereby contributing to solving social issues.

Comments from Seigo Sugimoto, corporate vice president, chief digital officer and general manager of ICT Strategy Division:

Fujifilm is accelerating DX initiatives in the medical systems business and in other business categories including life sciences and electronic materials. We adopt the perspective of group-wide optimization, building the data foundation shared across the group, and establishing a business operations platform under a cross-functional project which standardizes issues of different divisions. Fujifilm will continue to strongly promote Products and Services DX, Operations DX and Human Resources DX with the aim of enhancing innovative technologies and creating new value, thus actualizing sustainable innovation across the group.

Fujifilm Group’s DX initiatives

Fujifilm Group’s “DX Vision”

Fujifilm's relentless pursuit of a better world is entrenched in the Company's commitment to a more sustainable, healthier, and safer future. We are well prepared for taking on the greatest challenges of our time through the use of advanced and digital technology, valuable and innovative products and services, and from the connected contributions of every business, every team, and every individual at Fujifilm. 

The Fujifilm Group is actively promoting DX, as seen in the internal launch of the Strategic ICT Promotion Project in 2014, for the purpose of achieving corporate transformation with the use of AI and IoT.

In 2021, the Fujifilm Group has set out its “DX Vision,” clarifying what the Group aims to achieve through DX. The Vision has three pillars, namely “Products and Services DX” for assisting customers’ DX acceleration by applying robotics and AI technologies to products and services, “Operations DX” that involves the use of software, etc. to fundamentally transform work processes and dramatically boost productivity, and “Human Resources DX” for promoting the development of DX human resources and optimizing personnel assignments with a data-driven approach. Fujifilm will move forward to fulfill the Vision by reinforcing the DX foundation, which is built with flexible and robust IT infrastructures supporting those three pillars.

[Image]Fujifilm Group’s DX Platform

Fujifilm Group’s DX Platform

In addition, Fujifilm has established the DX Strategy Council chaired by the CEO, as the highest-decision-making body on group-wide DX promotion in order to carry out the All-Fujifilm DX Promotion Program across the group. DX activities tend to suffer the pitfall of becoming caught out in division-specific optimization for product development and work process improvement. The DX initiatives such as transforming the supply chain and streamlining work processes will be orchestrated as DX activities of the group-wide scale.

The Fujifilm Group has also drawn up the DX Roadmap, setting out the path for further DX promotion to achieve the goal of establishing even a greater number of products and services as the foundation that supports a sustainable society by fiscal year 2030. The Fujifilm Group will embrace DX to continuously optimize value of products in order to maximize the customer outcomes. Furthermore, it will broaden the scope that its products and services influence to the entire society, and establish them as part of the foundation that supports society, thereby continuing to contribute to solving social issues.

[Image]Fujifilm Group “DX Roadmap”

Fujifilm will continue to create innovative products and services through DX, and continuously enhance the value that customers gain through these products and services in an effort to contribute to the establishment of a sustainable society.


Media contact

FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation
Corporate Communications Division Public Relations Group

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