Amid the wide spread of COVID-19 pandemic, the Fujifilm Group has implemented various measures according to the infection status in different regions and office environments to protect our employees from infection.
We established the COVID-19 Control Office within FUJIFILM Holdings in January 2020 and implemented a range of antiinfection measures such as distributing masks and disinfectants as well as sharing information on infection control, working with overseas Group companies. In Japan, we created Infection Control Guidelines to be applied in offices, incorporating the major control practices recommended by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. All Group employees in Japan are now strictly following these guidelines. We have installed thermal cameras at entrances and acrylic panels in various locations.
As Fujifilm has occupational health physicians who are specialists in infectious diseases and are actually treating COVID-19 patients, we organized office visits by those physicians so that employees can understand COVID-19 correctly and take appropriate actions to avoid infection. Furthermore, as there are also occupational health physicians working at the Fujifilm Group in Japan who are also infectious disease specialists and actually engaged in treating COVID-19 patients, they inspect and tour workplaces and write easy-to-understand articles (such as on the status of the spread of variants and the effectiveness of vaccination) that we have posted and distributed on the in-house intranet so that employees can have a proper understanding of COVID-19 and take appropriate actions.
From June 2021, we started to provide workplace vaccinations for Group employees and their families at major domestic offices.
In October 2021, we also had all of the domestic Group employees take an e-learning course called “Mental Health Self-Care Training during the COVID-19 Pandemic” led by an in-house mental health management physician and counselor, in order to help them maintain their physical and mental health during the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic.
In resuming business at our offices and manufacturing sites after temporary closure, we implemented measures for the “new normal” according to the seriousness of infection in different regions as well as the national/regional guidelines given in each country or region where our office or site was located. We also provided a COVID-19 seminar, displayed posters to encourage employees to take their temperature before first entering the office, and set out rules to maintain social distance during meetings. The Fujifilm Group maintains infection control measures to protect our employees, and at the same time we are implementing new ways to improve the wellness of each and every employee.

Meetings with social distancing

Thermal cameras installed at the entrance of Tokyo Headquarters

Acrylic panels installed in the canteen, “silent eating” encouraged