CSR activity report│Other CSR Activities

Customer Relationship

Basic Approach

As we declare in our corporate philosophy, the Fujifilm Group aims to provide the best quality products and services which are safe, appealing to customers and provide them with peace of mind, by basing our management on Customer Satisfaction (CS).” In order to achieve customer satisfaction, it is important to obtain the views of a wide range of customers and to have a mechanism in place for effectively reflecting these in our products and services. For this purpose, we pay special attention to communicating with our customers at customer centers which are our point of contact with them. We aim to correctly grasp their views, as well as seek to respond in a speedy, kind, accurate and fair manner, and we are constructing a system to link these views to improvements in product development and our work processes.

Structure for Customer Relationship
Mechanisms for Communicating with Customers

Mechanisms for Communicating with Customers

CS Program (Improvement activities based on the CS surveys)

CS Program (Improvement activities based on the CS surveys)

Efforts in Customer Relationship Management Online service usage status

Unit: %

  FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 Target in
Online customers*1
(Percentage of customers who use online services or sales platforms among all customers)
79.3 83.4 85.6 86.9 86.5
Online sales*2
(Percentage of online sales (direct sales and advertising))
4.5 4.3 4.2 4.2 4.2
  • *1 Online customers refers to customers of the Business Innovation segment in Japan, with contract of online remote maintenance on our multifunction devices.
  • *2 Online sales were calculated from the online site sales in the sales of the Business Innovation segment in Japan.
Customer satisfaction survey results

Customer satisfaction survey

Customer satisfaction percentage was calculated to take track of customer satisfaction where after-sales services are critical, i.e., in medical systems, multifunction devices, and photograph-related products such as digital cameras in the Fujifilm Group.

(1) Results of customer satisfaction survey

Unit: %

  FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 Target in
Percentage of satisfied customers among all customers (%) 85.1 86.3 87.5 88.0 88.0


  FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021
Data coverage (within all the sales of our company) 77.0 77.6 77.9 75.2


(2) Customer satisfaction by business segments in the above data

Unit: %

Business Segment FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021
Healthcare (medical products) 78 79 79 80
Business Innovation (multifunction device products) 91 92 93 93
Imaging (photograph-related products such as digital cameras) 89 89 93 93


Efforts to improve customer satisfaction

In addition to initiatives at various liaison offices for customers, we improve our products and services through the views of a wide range of customers.

Efforts in the Healthcare segment

The Healthcare segment is one of the most critical field that directly influences on people’s life.
As the foundation of its business activities, the Fujifilm Group increases awareness of our Charter for Corporate Behavior and Code of Conduct among all employees. We also implement the following activities with the Healthcare segment in mind.

(1) Efforts to improve access to healthcare services

The Fujifilm Group appoints health as one of our priority areas and aims to improve the quality of life for people through our products, services, and technologies. Setting “Improve Accessibilities to Medical Services” as the priority issue in the area, we are promoting various efforts such as introducing a health check service within different regions and developing an early tuberculosis diagnosis system in developing countries.

(2) Efforts to ensure fairness and transparency in the Healthcare segment

1) Sales activities through fair competition

The Fujifilm Group recognizes the importance of ensuring transparency and trust in our relationships with medical institutions in the Healthcare segment. All activities conducted by the Fujifilm Group follow industrial regulations, such as the Code of Ethics, the Charter of Business Behavior, the Promotion Code of the Medical Devices Industry, and the Fair Competition Code of the Medical Devices Industry in Japan, as specified by the Japan Federation of Medical Devices Associations, the Japan Fair Trade Council of the Medical Devices Industry, and the Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association. Further, we have set up the Fujifilm Group Charter for Corporate Behavior and Code of Conduct, as well as each company’s regulations involved in the Healthcare segment.
In view of the laws and regulations we are required to comply with, we established Fujifilm Group Global Healthcare Code of Conduct for relevant Group companies in the Healthcare segment in July 2020. Employees in the relevant Group companies follow these regulations in carrying out their business to ensure fair business competition.

2) Information disclosure

The Fujifilm Group regularly discloses Healthcare segment information, such as funding, in order to gain the wider understanding of society with regards to the manner in which the Group operates its business to a high ethical standard.

Activities of each operating company
Customers Response (Fujifilm)
Aiming to enhance Customer Satisfaction (FUJIFILM Business Innovation)