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Green Volunteers: Press Conference for Commemorative Book for the 15th Anniversary of Tree Planting Activities (2013)

(FUJIFILM’s Activities)

Sustainable Green—Press Conference for Commemorative Book for the 15th Anniversary of Tree Planting Activities was Held

On December 6, 2013, FUJIFILM (China) Investment Co., Ltd. (FFCN) held the press conference regarding the publication of 15th anniversary book for the greening project in China, Who Has Changed through Tree Planting? in Shanghai. Fujifilm’s greening project in China was started by Fujifilm Workers’ Union in 1998, and FFCN has also participated in this project. Roughly 100 people participated in this great event, including those from the government, various companies, environmental organizations, and media outlets. 

Following Fujifilm’s business strategy presentation which opened the event, FFCN employees recited poems about desert reforestation activities. Next, Ms. Haiyan Sun, who is one author of Who Has Changed through Tree Planting? introduced the following people who have devoted their efforts to this activity: Mr. Yoshio Kitaura, Director General, NPO “Green-Net”; Mr. Ryuji Otaki, Head of Affairs Office in China, NPO “Green-Net”; Ruifu Xu, FFCN Vice President; and Katsuya Asafusa, Chairman, Fujifilm Workers’ Union. They then spoke about the history of the greening project, their impressions from participating in the activities, the significance and challenges of the activities, and shared their thoughts on the future. Lastly, so that the audience could experience the bucket relay that is part of the tree planting activity in Inner Mongolia, everyone took part to carry water to a tree that was placed on the stage, and all participants were able to understand the importance of environmental conservation. 

Following the presentation of the commemorative book, the CSR representative who came from FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation in Japan, introduced the Fujifilm Group’s environmental and CSR policies and activities. The representatives from the government, academic institutions, and companies expressed their impressions and expectations regarding the activities of the Fujifilm Group and it was a good opportunity for FFCN and participants to communicate with various people.

FFCN employees telling stories about desert reforestation using poetry
From left: Cheng Nian Qi, Medical Systems Division; Hua Tian, Finance Division; Yong Hua Shi, Public Relations Office; and Guang Zhao, Graphic Systems Business Division

The authors of Who Has Changed through Tree Planting? presenting the book to Fujifilm and NPO “Green-Net” members
From left: Mr. Yoshio Kitaura, Director General of NPO “Green-Net”; Ruifu Xu, FFCN Vice President; Masahiro Ota, FFCN President; Ms. Haiyan Sun, co-author of the book; Katsuya Asafusa, Chairman, Fujifilm Workers’ Union; Sanae Takahashi, former Vice Chairman of the Fujifilm Workers’ Union; Mr. Ryuji Otaki, Head of Affairs Office in China, NPO “Green-Net”

The book, Who Has Changed through Tree Planting?

Kawasaki, Manager, CSR Group, Corporate General Administration Division, FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation, introducing the Fujifilm Group’s approach to CSR and related activities