CSR plan

The background of establishing our CSR Plan

Establishing the Long-Term Goal

Icons of the 17 SDGs targets.

In recent days, international long-term targets such as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs*1) and the Paris Agreement*2 have been announced in the drive to resolve social issues. In particular, expectations are growing for the role of companies as players in resolving social issues and building a sustainable society. In view of these developments, the SVP 2030 has set as its long-term goal for FY2030 to contribute to achieving the goals for resolving global social issues set by SDGs, the Paris Agreement, etc.

In the medium-term CSR plan for FY2014 to FY2016, Sustainable Value Plan 2016 (SVP 2016), Fujifilm declared its shift from passive engagement in CSR in the form of statutory compliance to a more active one, perceiving CSR as an opportunity for business growth and for addressing social issues. This stance earned great praise from outside experts. However, the major goal of solving social issues cannot produce results so easily in a span of three years. For this reason, a conversion in our approach to establishing targets was deemed necessary alongside activities to be continued into the future.

By establishing a long-range plan, targets can now be established not by forecasting (approach based on accumulation of actions) but by backcasting, an approach that sets the vision to be achieved as the starting point and focuses on what must be done to achieve it. This has led to the introduction of more challenging activities.

In defining the social responsibilities a global company should fulfill, a review was also conducted on the 17 goals and 169 targets defined under the SDGs, to examine the Fujifilm Group's business opportunities and its negative impact on society. The review showed that eleven out of the 17 goals were recognized as goals that enable Fujifilm to make major contributions to achieving its SDGs, and concrete measures to achieve these goals were defined.

SDGs goals that Fujifilm can make major contributions to

11 goals 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17
  • *1 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals): Goals in sustainable development adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015, to be addressed as social issues by the international community until 2030. There are 17 goals and 169 targets established to address the issues of poverty, inequality and injustice, health, education, fulfillment in work, climate change and the environment, etc.
  • *2 Paris Agreement: International, multilateral agreement on arresting climatic changes that was adopted by The 21st Session of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP 21) held in Paris in 2015. The Agreement calls for holding the global temperature rise to less than 2°C over the level before the Industrial Revolution.

Assessment of the 15 Priority Issues in Six Areas

In SVP 2016, priority issues were divided into "solving social issues through business activities" (opportunities) and "conscious of environmental and social impact within business processes (environment, work style, etc.)" (risks). SVP 2030 specifies internal and external aspects of each of the areas of the environment, health, daily life and work style. In "1. Address climate change" under "Environment," for example, Fujifilm Group plans to tackle this goal from both aspects of opportunity and risks, through reducing CO2 emissions in its business activities and at the same time through development and promotion of environmentally conscious products and services.

In promoting global business, the plan focuses on reinforcement of the CSR foundation in the environment, ethics, human rights, etc., for the entire supply chain, as well as reinforcement of governance for greater dissemination of an "open, fair and clear" corporate culture. For these purposes, 15 priority issues in six areas were established for implementation in all corporate activities.

Especially in the area of the environment among these priority issues, concrete numerical targets were established for FY2030. We are currently working on reducing our Group's CO2 emissions across the entire product lifecycle, as well as reducing the CO2 emissions generated in society through dissemination of our Group's products and services.

SVP2030 Priority Area and Priority Issues (Materiality)

Achieving the goals of 2030

The long-term goals set out in SVP 2030 were conceived in the drive to take one step forward from the previous "inside-out" perspective that focuses on existing business activities as the starting point and adopts an "outside-in" approach starting from social issues to examine what the company, its products and services should be. What products and services are necessary in the development of a sustainable society, and what technologies are needed for this purpose? SVP 2030 reaches beyond the Fujifilm Group's products and services (i.e., output*3) to a concrete vision of its contribution to building a sustainable society (i.e., outcome*4) and lays down as its final goal realization of both growth for the Group and solutions to social issues.

In the years ahead, the Group plans to work on contributing further to resolving social issues and on enhancing corporate value through creation of new values from products, services and technology development that can move social reform forward to achieve the goals of SVP 2030.

  • *3 Output: Products, services, etc., created by organizational and business activities
  • *4 Outcome: Change, benefit, learning and other effects of output from an organization or business operation