Home Sustainability CSR plan Annual Plan

CSR plan

Annual Plan

These are the common priority measures for this fiscal year for each operating company to achieve the goal of our CSR plan, SVP2030 targeting fiscal year 2030.

FY2024 Fujifilm Group Priority Measures
Priority Issues Priority Measures
1.Address climate change (1) Promote CO2 emission reduction activities in each business domain based on the Fujifilm Group environmental strategy “Green Value Climate Strategy”
 1) Improve “Carbon efficiency” of business operations
(2) Create “Green Value Products” to be verified under the Fujifilm Group’s environmentally-conscious product certification program
 1) Reduce CO2 emissions across the entire product life cycle
 2) Enhance engagement by communication and collaboration with suppliers to reduce CO2 emissions
 3) Contribute to reducing CO2 emissions in society and at customers
 4) Develop technologies contribute conserving, storing and generating energy
(3) Promote “Green Value Manufacturing” that requires lower CO2 emissions
 1) Develop production processes and introduce manufacturing technologies that contribute to reduce CO2 emissions
 2) Expand the use of renewable energy
 3) Develop concrete measures for the introduction of fuels that do not emit CO2
2. Promote recycling of resources (1) Design product lifecycles that reduce new raw material inputs and use resources efficiently
 1) Reduce incineration/landfill waste or change to alternative disposal methods
 2) Expand the use of raw materials having low environmental impact
 3) Expand the scope of application for product reuse, refurbishing, and recycling
 4) Utilize wasted plastics as resources, and promote the use of recycled plastics for products and packaging materials
3. Biodiversity conservation (1) Promote water savings and water recirculation in water stress regions
(2) Promote water resource conservation activities
(3) Appropriately procure plant-derived materials
4. Ensure product and chemical safety (1) Promote reduction and replacement of priority substances for risk management
(2) Develop materials and processes that contribute to reducing environmental impact and promoting resource recycling
(3) Disseminate knowledge and mechanisms that facilitate appropriate chemical management across the supply chain
(4) Implement product safety assessment and monitoring in accordance with internal rules
(5) Continue to improve the systems for regulatory compliance to support the expansion of product and business areas
5. Promote management of a healthy workplace & prevent workplace accidents (1) Improve the level of biological material management in accordance with internal rules
(2) Analyze root causes of serious workplace accidents and take preventive measures
(3) To prevent fires and explosions in the workplace, install suitable equipment and supplies, establish work procedures, and provide education and training for workers
6. Information disclosure and communication Construct an information disclosure mechanism in compliance with laws, regulations, and internationally-applicable guidelines
7. Employee education (1) Implement environmental education based on the SVP2030 priority issues by inspiring voluntary activities
(2) Continue basic educations on environmental safety, product safety and occupational safety