- Providing education on the Fujifilm Group Charter for Corporate Behavior and Code of Conduct at a global level and obtaining Declaration of Compliance (Fujifilm Group)
- Providing education on the Fujifilm Group Global Healthcare Code of Conduct for employees working in the Healthcare business (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries in Japan)
- Providing anti-corruption education in compliance with laws and regulations in each country at a global level (Fujifilm Group)
- Providing training in order to prevent information security incidents and violations related to handling of personal information. Conducting suspicious e-mail training for all executive officers and employees in Japan (Fujifilm Group)
- Implementation of initial response training for cyber incidents with the participation of executive officers and division heads responsible for information security (Fujifilm Group)
- Conducting the Fujifilm Group Employee Engagement Survey, which encompasses the previously conducted compliance awareness survey globally for all executive officers and employees (Fujifilm Group)
- Partial review of PMI action item list related compliance measures
- Revision for the Anti-corruption Regulations (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Partial revision of the Global Classified Information Management Regulations (Fujifilm Group)
- Partial revision of the Fujifilm Group Global Healthcare Code of Conduct Guidelines (Fujifilm Group)
- Providing education on the Fujifilm Group Charter for Corporate Behavior and Code of Conduct at a global level and obtaining Declaration of Compliance (Fujifilm Group)
- Implementation of Fraud prevention Training and discussions at each workplace for domestic executive officers and employees (Fujifilm Group)
- Dissemination of an educational video from the General Manager of Compliance Division to domestic employees in order to prevent fraud and misconduct (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Implementation of briefing sessions in Japan on key countermeasures against cyber-attacks, in order to raise awareness of information security (Fujifilm Group)
- Implementation of briefing sessions in Japan on the detailed operation of the newly formulated Global Classified Information Management Regulations (Fujifilm Group)
- Implementation of training on Personal Information Management (e-learning) and briefing sessions for personal information managers in Japan, prior to the enforcement of the Amended Act on the Protection of Personal Information on April 1, 2022 (Fujifilm Group)
- Appointment of employees who handle whistleblowing issues in each domestic organization and implementation of briefing sessions, prior to the enforcement of the Amended Whistleblower Protection Act on June 1, 2022 (Fujifilm Group)
- Provision of education on the Fujifilm Group Global Healthcare Code of Conduct at a global level for employees working in the Healthcare business (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Provision of education on healthcare-specific laws and regulations for domestic employees working in the Healthcare business (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Establishment of a risk manager system in each domestic and overseas organization in order to strengthen risk management (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Establishment of a system to comply with pharmaceutical laws and regulations in each domestic organization, based on the Amended Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Act of August 1, 2021 (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Establishment of a personal information manager system in each domestic organization in order to strengthen the protection of personal information (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Establishment of a system in each domestic organization where the person in charge of EPA (Economic Partnership Agreement) serves as the leader, in order to ensure the proper application and operation of EPA (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Formulation of the Global Classified Information Management Regulations (Fujifilm Group)
- Formulation of the Global Personal Information Management Regulations (Fujifilm Group)
- Formulation of the Fujifilm Group Compliance Helpline Operational Policy (Fujifilm Group domestic companies)
- Formulation of the Fujifilm Group Import Control Regulations (Fujifilm Group domestic companies)
- Formulation of the Fujifilm Group EPA Management Regulations (Fujifilm Group domestic companies)
- Providing education on the Fujifilm Group Charter for Corporate Behavior and Code of Conduct at a global level and obtaining Declaration of Compliance (Fujifilm Group)
- Implementation of the Compliance Awareness Survey at a global level, for the purpose of understanding compliance and its practice (Fujifilm Group)
- Dissemination of a message to domestic employees in line with the “Power Harassment Prevention Act” enforced on June 1, and implementation of the Power Harassment Prevention Training (Fujifilm Group)
- Provision of Information Security Education and Anti-phishing Training covering all domestic executive officers and employees (Fujifilm Group)
- Provision of Information Security Training for risk managers in charge of risk management in each domestic organization (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Provision of remote training sessions for employees involved in import operations in Japan for the purpose of enhancing the level of import control (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Integration of the Compliance & Risk Management Divisions of FUJIFILM Corporation and FUJIFILM Business Innovation Corporation into FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation, and establishment of the Compliance & Risk Management Group, ESG Division (FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation)
- Integration of the Japanese Whistleblowing System of FUJIFILM Corporation and FUJIFILM Business Innovation Corporation into FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation (FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation)
- Formulation of the Fujifilm Group Global Healthcare Code of Conduct (Fujifilm Group)
- Distribution of the revised Fujifilm Group Charter for Corporate Behavior and Code of Conduct (Fujifilm Group)
- Implementation of employee education on the revised Fujifilm Group Charter for Corporate Behavior and Code of Conduct at a global level (Fujifilm Group)
- Implementation of the Harassment Awareness Survey for domestic employees (Fujifilm Group)
- Implementation of safety checks (by raising disaster prevention awareness and confirming the response status) covering domestic division heads, site managers, and employees (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Implementation of compliance awareness-raising activities (through risk extraction by division heads and monitoring by the head office) (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Establishment of the ESG Division (independently from the CSR Group in the Corporate Planning Division) (FUJIFILM Holdings)
- Renamed the CSR Committee to the ESG Committee (Fujifilm Group)
- Renamed the CSR Division to the ESG Division (FUJIFILM)
- Implementation of a web system for domestic group companies to report risk incidents (Risk Incident Reporting System) and commencement of its operation (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Revision of the Fujifilm Group Charter for Corporate Behavior and Code of Conduct (Fujifilm Group)
- Posting posters to communicate a whistle-blowing system(at global sites) (Fujifilm Group)
- Provision of risk management training for risk managers at regional headquarters and group companies (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Provision of e-learning programs for disaster prevention for all employees in Japan (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Provision of compliance awareness change programs (face-to-face training) for all employees (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Declaration of Compliance with the Code of Conduct submitted by all employees (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Introduction of CSIRT-MT, a tool to share overseas security incident information (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Establishment of the Compliance and Risk Management Department by integrating the functions of compliance and risk management (FUJIFILM Business Innovation)
- Formulation of the Fujifilm Group Security Trade Control Regulations (Fujifilm Group)
- Provision of compliance training for all executive officers and employees (Fujifilm Group)
- Implementation of the Compliance Awareness Survey covering all executive officers and employees (Fujifilm Group)
- Revision of the Code of Conduct Guidebook and provision of its training (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Deployment of the Compliance Enhancement Project (Fujifilm Group)
- Establishment of a whistle-blowing system (FUJIFILM Holdings Hotline) (Fujifilm Group)
- Formulation of the FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation Risk Management Regulations (Fujifilm Group)
- Revision of the Risk Management Regulations (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Formulation of the Crisis Escalation Guidelines (for overseas sites) (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Provision of labor compliance training for all employees (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Review and enhancement of countermeasures against large earthquake disasters (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Establishment of a Cyber Security Incident Response Team FF- CSIRT (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Integration of the Ethics and Compliance Committee into the CSR Council to enhance the process of CSR measures (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Establishment of the Information Security Center by aggregating the functions of information security (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Expansion of the application scope of the Ethics and Compliance Management Regulations to overseas subsidiaries (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Revision of the Crisis Escalation Guidelines (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Issuance of the revised Compendium of Information Security Case Studies (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Provision of Compliance e-learning for existing managers (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Provision of Anti-corruption training for overseas subsidiaries (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Implementation of Cyber Security Training for employees (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Implementation of Information Security Seminars for business partners (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Start of the Risk Management Council for risk managers at overseas subsidiaries (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Extension of operating hours of the Compliance Helpline to Sundays and holidays (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Establishment of a Cyber Security Incident Response Team (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Formulation of the Security Trade Control Policy (Fujifilm Group)
- Introduction of the Regulations for Specific Personal Information Management (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Revision of the Information Security Regulations, the Regulations for Personal Information management, and the Disaster Prevention Regulations (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Introduction of the Regulations for Specific Personal Information Management (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Deployment of the Basic Policy on Occupational Safety & Health, Environmental Preservation, and Ethical Business Conduct for production companies outside Japan (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Start of e-learning for information security (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Provision of Disaster Response training for employees on possible eruption of Mt. Fuji (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Implementation of Harassment Prevention Training (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Start of training for risk managers (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Strengthening of countermeasures against natural disaster risks (such as possible eruption of Mt. Fuji, but excluding earthquakes) (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Revision of the Regulations for Compliance with Antitrust Laws (FUJIFILM)
- Introduction of the Anti-corruption Regulations (for overseas group companies) (FUJIFILM Business Innovation)
- Formulation of the Information Security Policy (FUJIFILM Business Innovation)
- Revision of the Information Security Guidelines (FUJIFILM Business Innovation)
- Strengthening of a system to exclude anti-social forces (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Introduction of the Information Security Regulations and the Information Security Guidelines (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Introduction of the Anti-corruption Regulations (for domestic group companies) (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Formulation of the Emergency Response Policy for Major Natural Disasters (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Implementation of e-learning to ensure the understanding of the Anti-corruption Policy(FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Start of Group Compliance training for new managers (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Review and strengthening of countermeasures on company-wide risk issues in case of disasters including large earthquakes and possible eruption of Mt. Fuji (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Implementation of Comprehensive Emergency Response Training in case of large earthquakes (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Introduction of the Anti-corruption Policy (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Revision of the Information Management Regulations for Timely Reporting and Insider Trading Prevention (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Implementation of Cyber Security Training for employees (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Issuance of the Compliance Guidelines for Service-related Laws (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Implementation of Provision of Risk Management Training (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Review and strengthening of countermeasures on company-wide risk issues (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Implementation of the Great East Japan Earthquake response review (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Revision of the Crisis Escalation Guidelines (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Introduction of e-learning for General Compliance Issues (for new officers) (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Establishment of the CSR Council (former Risk & Ethics Council) (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Issuance of the revised Compendium of Information Security Case Studies (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Implementation of an internal awareness survey on ethics and compliance (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Confirmation and follow-up on the implementation status of compliance training at overseas group companies (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Expansion of the identification and management of key risk issues to overseas group companies (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Establishment of the Compliance and Sexual Harassment Helpline (by integrating the Compliance Consulting Facility and the Sexual Harassment Hotline) (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Establishment of the Compliance Helpline (by integrating the Corporate Ethics Helpline and the Sexual Harassment Hotline) (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Formulation of the Rules for Operation of the Consulting Facility (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Formulation of the Rules for Operation of the Compliance Helpline (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Introduction of the web-based response method for the Compliance Awareness Survey (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Distribution of the Fujifilm Group Charter for Corporate Behavior and Code of Conduct (Fujifilm Group)
- Distribution of the Fujifilm Group Charter for Corporate Behavior and Code of Conduct (English version) (Fujifilm Group)
- Distribution of the Fujifilm Group Code of Conduct Guidebook (Fujifilm Group)
- Provision of training on the Fujifilm Group Charter for Corporate Behavior and Code of Conduct for managerial personnel at overseas subsidiaries (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Provision of training on the Fujifilm Group Charter for Corporate Behavior and Code of Conduct for managerial personnel at overseas subsidiaries (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Distribution of the Antimonopoly Act Compliance Manual (Fujifilm Group)
- Start of the Code of Conduct training (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Distribution of the Code of Conduct and the Code of Conduct Guidebook (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Proclamation signed by all employees (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Expansion of the identification and management of key issues to domestic subsidiaries (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Proclamation signed and submitted by all employees (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Revision of the Fujifilm Group Charter for Corporate Behavior (Fujifilm Group)
- Formulation of the Fujifilm Group Code of Conduct (Fujifilm Group)
- Complete revision of the Employee Code of Conduct (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Expansion of coverage of the Compliance Awareness Survey to domestic subsidiaries (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Implementation of Seminars for managerial personnel by external instructors (FUJIFILM)
- Implementation of Case Method Training for managerial personnel at domestic subsidiaries by external instructors (FUJIFILM subsidiaries)
- Expansion of coverage of Compliance Seminars to domestic subsidiaries (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Start of Anti-corruption Training (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Establishment of the CSR Committee, FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation (Fujifilm Group)
- Revision of the Corporate Philosophy and formulation of the Vision (Fujifilm Group)
- Revision of the Compendium of Compliance Case Studies (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Start of study sessions for the Compendium of Case Studies at each workplace (annually thereafter) (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Distribution of training CDs for Personal Information Protection (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Start of compliance activities at sites outside Japan (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Establishment of the External Compliance Consulting Facility (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Distribution of the Compendium of Compliance Case Studies for managerial personnel (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Start of Case Method Training for managerial personnel (annually thereafter for new managerial personnel) (FUJIFILM subsidiaries)
- Start of Basic Training on Laws (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Start of training on Personal Information Protection (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Establishment of the CSR Division and Compliance and Risk Management Division in the division (by reorganizing the Compliance Office in the Legal Division) (FUJIFILM)
- Expansion of coverage of the Compliance Consulting Facility to domestic subsidiaries (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Revision of the Fujifilm Group Charter for Corporate Behavior (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Formulation of the Rules for Operation of the Compliance Consulting Facility (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Formulation of the Rules for Operation of the Corporate Ethics Helpline (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Start of Compliance Seminars (annually thereafter) (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Start of the Compliance Awareness Survey (annually thereafter) (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Start of Issuance of the Compliance Guidelines according to legal subjects (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Establishment of the Compliance Consulting Facility (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Start of the identification and management of key risk issues (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Establishment of the Ethics and Compliance Committee (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Establishment of the Corporate Ethics Helpline (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Revision of the Employee Code of Conduct (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Formulation of the Ethics and Compliance Management Regulations (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Start of Training on Information Ethics and Security (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Rename to the Compliance Committee (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)Rename to the Compliance Committee (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Establishment of the Compliance Office, Legal Division (FUJIFILM)
- Revision of the Employee Code of Conduct (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Survey conducted to confirm compliance with the Employee Code of Conduct by each division in FUJIFILM domestic subsidiaries (annually thereafter) (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Implementation of the first Compliance Awareness Survey (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Pledges submitted by new managerial personnel (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Launch of the Risk Issue Reporting System (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Seminar on the Employee Code of Conduct (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Start of Corporate Ethics Training for executive officers and managers (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Establishment of the Corporate Ethics Committee (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Establishment of the dedicated consulting desk for the Corporate Ethics Committee (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Pledges submitted by all managerial personnel (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Formulation of the Fujifilm Group Charter for Corporate Behavior (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Formulation of the Employee Code of Conduct (FUJIFILM and its subsidiaries)
- Revision of the Employee Code of Conduct (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Pledges submitted by all executive officers and division heads (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Issuance of the Case Book Employee Code of Conduct (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Establishment of the Code of Conduct Committee (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Establishment of the Ethics Consultation Desk and Sexual Harassment Hotline (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)
- Formulation of the Employee Code of Conduct (FUJIFILM Business Innovation and its subsidiaries)