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CSR Management

Communication with Stakeholders

Companies conduct their activities while interacting and maintaining relations with a wide variety of stakeholders, and it is important to listen carefully to their various views and expectations. At the Fujifilm Group, we ensure that we make appropriate information disclosures as well as verifying, at various opportunities, whether or not our business activities are responding to the demands and expectations of all our stakeholders, and reflecting our findings in our business activities. To ensure that our stakeholders' views are reflected in our CSR activities, we also review them in our Sustainability Report.

In addition to opinions relating to our CSR activities as a whole, regarding priority issues such as "Environment," "Work Style," etc., we conduct individual briefings on the content of the activities to external parties, to receive their advice and evaluation.* Looking back over our activities and obtaining the views of external parties in this way provides a good opportunity to reexamine our activities.

* OPINION(Third-Party Opinion)

Communicating Environmental Activity Information to Stakeholders

To participate as a member of the local community, Fujifilm Group discloses its environmental conservation activities and at the same time holds events to listen to the opinions of local residents. At Fujifilm's Fujinomiya Factory, environmental communication meetings are held with residents of the Onakazato area of Fujinomiya City every year. In FY2018, approximately 50 participants, including 20 junior high school students, attended activity reports, information exchanges and factory tours. Also, presentations on the environment are held annually at the Kanagawa Factory, the Kaisei area in Kanagawa Prefecture and Yoshida-minami Factory. In particular, in the Kaisei area, Fujifilm, FUJIFILM Business Innovation, FUJIFILM TechnoProducts and FUJIFILM Business Innovation Manufacturing hold a joint presentation including opinion exchanges among the four companies.

The Kanagawa Factory was highly recognized for its long-standing environmental efforts and gave presentations on its activities to protect the local water resources at the Refresher Training for Pollution Control Managers (organized by the Japan Environmental Management Association for Industry, supported by the Ministry of the Environment) held at 11 locations in Japan. We plan to strengthen our environmental activities at sites in the future and actively communicate and disclose information to society.

Environmental dialogue at the Fujinomiya Factory

Opinion exchanges and presentations held in the Kaisei area