CSR policies

Top Management Commitment

Making Contributions with Values That Can Only Be Delivered by the Fujifilm Group as a Company Indispensable for a Sustainable Society

Teiichi Goto : President, Representative Director & Chief Executive Officer

Never stop our efforts to resolve social issues, even during the COVID-19 pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic is showing no signs of slowing down, and continues to deal a significant impact on all aspects of people’s lives, living,education and work styles globally. Since the outbreak of the disease in early 2020, all economic activity as well as various initiatives to achieve the SDGs have come to a grinding halt, leaving many to re-examine the roles of business enterprises.

Over the past year, the Fujifilm Group has made all-out efforts in helping the world overcome COVID-19, such as contract manufacturing of active ingredients in vaccine candidates, developing AI-based diagnostic imaging support software for pneumonia, and developing and supplying reagents for detecting new virus mutations. Having reinvented itself from a photographic film company into a corporation with a focus on the healthcare and advanced materials businesses, Fujifilm is now feeling the responsibility of contributing to society through business activities more than ever before. As the world moves toward a post-COVID world, there is a growing “Green Recovery” trend of seizing this opportunity to build a more resilient society, capable of addressing social issues including global warming. As a corporate citizen, Fujifilm will continue to work toward resolving such social issues. I am pleased to confirm that Fujifilm, as a signatory company, will also continue to support the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact in the areas of Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-Corruption. We remain committed to accelerating our efforts in all corporate activities to realize a sustainable society.

Making a fresh start with the new medium-term management plan “VISION2023” to achieve goals set out in the CSR plan “SVP2030”

In 2017, Fujifilm drew up the CSR plan “Sustainable Value Plan 2030 (SVP2030),” setting out goals to be achieved by 2030 in four priority areas (Environment, Health, Daily Life and Work Style) and basis of our business activities (Supply Chain and Governance), to be approached from the perspectives of “resolving social issues through business activities” and “considering society and the environment in our business processes.” For the last four years, we have carried out activities based on the medium-term management plan “VISION2019” to enhance a far-reaching business portfolio and established a robust business foundation that is resilient even to the pandemic. The new medium-term management plan “VISION2023” was announced in April 2021 as the next step toward achieving goals set out in SVP2030.

In the area of “Environment,” Fujifilm has announced new climate action targets in December 2021 to tackle urgent climate change issues. With the increased targets, the Fujifilm Group will reduce CO2 emissions across the entire product life cycle by 50% (compared to FY2019 levels) by FY2030. We will also be fully operating on carbon-free energy* and achieve net zero CO2 emissions by FY2040, which is ten years ahead of the original target year of 2050. These new targets are aligned with 1.5 degrees Celsius target set in the Paris Agreement.

To achieve these targets, Fujifilm launched a new Fujifilm Group environmental strategy, “Green Value Climate Strategy,” which includes promoting “Green Value Manufacturing” – a strategy to manufacture with a lower environmental impact, and delivering “Green Value Products” with excellent environmental performance.

In the area of “Health,” Fujifilm has set the target of expanding the deployment of its AI-based medical products and services from 57 countries in fiscal 2019 to 196 in fiscal 2030 with the eventual goal of their introduction to all countries. We will actively provide technical guidance to physicians and laboratory technicians who handle medical devices in order to enhance medical access and quality of healthcare in regions with poor access to healthcare, thereby resolving regional disparity in healthcare services.

In the area of “Daily Life,” as digital transformation (DX) advances in our society, Fujifilm will contribute to building a safe and secure society and peaceful living, adopting a variety of approaches including developing electronic materials for cutting-edge semiconductors that are essential for the development of 5G, autonomous driving, etc., promoting the introduction of recording media and display materials that facilitate data-oriented society, assisting the digitization of the commercial printing and package printing, and creating products and services in the photographic and videographic fields that enrich our lives.

In the area of “Work Style,” Fujifilm will enhance its solution delivery, aiming to offer productivity improvement and work styles that facilitate creativity to some 50 million workers. This initiative will be led by FUJIFILM Business Innovation (formerly known as Fuji Xerox, renamed in April 2021) to literally offer innovation-delivering values to client businesses.

This fiscal year, Fujifilm has established a new management structure to further clarify the roles of management execution and supervision. The Board of Directors is now tasked to monitor whether the Company is acting in line with policies set out in the medium-term management plan, functioning fairly to all stakeholders and operating in a direction consistent with values sought by society. This way, we will apply corporate governance that does not hinder business expansion and boosts transparency.

Continuing to grow and offer value in order to generate positive changes in society

The Fujifilm Group is capable of deploying a diverse range of businesses and contributing to resolving a range of social issues from various angles. In order to contribute to society in four priority areas (Environment, Health, Daily Life and Work Style) and accelerate global business deployment, we must further use AI technology and ICT to streamline work processes, create group-wide business synergy and foster diverse human resources who can work relentlessly toward our goals. To this end, in assuming the position of CEO, I have declared my commitment of (1) accelerating our business growth centered on healthcare and advanced materials areas and improving profitability and efficiency in other business areas, (2) promoting group-wide DX, and (3) developing and reinforcing human resources capable of achieving results in the global arena. Regarding (2), we have already announced the establishment of the Fujifilm Group DX Vision in July 2021 and launched a companywide initiative “All-Fujifilm DX Promotion Program” under my direction to encourage all business divisions to identify and tackle DX issues. I will work on these challenges in the effort to apply Fujifilm Group’s strengths to creating social values.

In order to change society for the better, the Fujifilm Group needs to be able to create change constantly. We will take on challenges and continue growing, so as to further contribute to establishing a sustainable society by providing outstanding value.

December 2021

Teiichi Goto

Teiichi Goto
President and CEO

  • * Direct emission from the company at the manufacturing stage of the product (Scope 1) and indirect emission due to the use of electricity / steam supplied from other companies (Scope 2)