The FUJIFILM Group undertakes environmentally conscious product development based on its design for environment, which considers the entire lifecycle of all products from procurement, manufacturing, transportation, use and disposal in setting targets from the perspective of climate change mitigation (reduced power use, etc.) from the design stage, Reduce, Reuse & Recycle principle of resource saving and recycling (Reduce, Reuse & Recycle), risk reduction of chemical substances, and biodiversity from the design stage. The degree of target achievement is assessed based on the mechanism of environmentally design once a product is developed.
This approach is applied not only to materials and standalone equipment, but also applied to software and solutions in a bid to reduce environmental impact in the society as a whole. LCA*1 is conducted for quantitative and objective assessment of environmental impact. The environmental label is also used for active dissemination of information.
- *1 LCA: Life-Cycle Assessment
In an effort to “contribute to resolving environmental issues in society through our products and services,” as set out in the “Sustainable Value Plan (SVP) 2030” CSR plan targeted for FY2030, the FUJIFILM Group has added the FUJIFILM Group “Green Value Products” certification program in FY2018 to its existing internal regulations on design for environment, clarifying products’ environmental values and extending certification to products incorporating outstanding environmental considerations.
To ensure a high level of environmental quality for all of our products and provide consumers with accurate information on product quality, we are actively addressing the use and disclosure of environmental labels. In this section, we will introduce the concept of “Eco Mark,” “EcoLeaf Environmental Label,” “Carbon Footprint,” and “Type II: Self-declaration Label” which we have acquired.
The Fujifilm Group is promoting environmental measures taking advantage of the product characteristics of each business.