Home Sustainability CSR activity report Other Activities Initiatives to Promote Quality Management (Fujifilm)

CSR Activity Report | Other CSR Activities

Initiatives to Promote Quality Management

Fujifilm was established for the purpose of producing photographic film in Japan. Photographic film is not a product that customers can try before they decide whether to purchase it; it is a product that is purchased based on the trust that beautiful images can be created. Since its foundation, Fujifilm has continued to provide uniform, high-quality products that our customers can trust as the cornerstone of our business activities, and we have also promoted this as a way to contribute to society. We have adjusted to changes in the market environment due to digitalization in various fields such as digital cameras, medical/printing image systems, recording media, industrial materials and document systems such as multifunction printers, to build and operate a strict quality management system to deliver “trust” in all fields.

Quality Management System Management System

In the business recovery after World War II, in order to provide the world with the highest quality photographic film in the market, we quickly adopted the concept of statistical quality control from the U. S. and worked on total quality control (TQC) activities. Our efforts were recognized, we were awarded the Deming Prize in 1956. Our company was praised for the effective implementation of comprehensive quality control suitable for the management philosophy and business environment. 

Furthermore, beginning with the production department’s acquisition of ISO 9001 certification in the 1990s, since 2003, we have gradually introduced a management system that integrates quality, environment, occupational health and safety, information security, etc., including sales and staff departments and affiliated companies. We have developed a management system for each business department that covers everything from development to production, quality assurance, and sales, which has improved the quality of business operations and has further enhanced the quality of management itself.

Stage Gate Process

For new business and new product development, we have set up gates at each stage of the process from product planning to product review, and we also perform verification not only on the degree of quality attained but also from an environmental, safety, and legal perspective, in addition to user needs (please refer to the figure below). Similar to photographic film, we are developing the same high level of quality in new business and new products in the fields of highly functional materials*1, optical devices/systems*2, and information systems/solutions*3.

  • *1 Display, semiconductor, recording media, cosmetics, life science business
  • *2 Medical systems and life science systems business
  • *3 Document solutions and digital imaging business
Quality Improvement Activities Product Safety

The Fujifilm Group’s Code of Conduct gives consideration to the safety of products and services. In addition to improving product safety levels in compliance with laws and regulations around the world, we are building a system of safety management that considers the risks for each business and market. We are committed to thorough product safety management and prompt information disclosure with the aim of creating high-quality products that can be used safely.

Product Safety Policy

Fujifilm aims to “enhance the quality of life” of customers by creating safe, secure and attractive “products and services of the highest quality.” To ensure high satisfaction and earn the trust of our customers, we will work to ensure product safety and toward the pursuit of safety through the entire life cycle of development, manufacturing, sales, use, service and disposal for all products.

The five priority measures are as follows.

  1. Compliance with laws and regulations
  2. Promotion of product safety measures
  3. Develop a response system for emergencies such as product incidents
  4. Disseminating product safety information to customers
  5. Employee education on product safety
Thorough Product Safety Management (Product Liability) and Accurate Disclosure of Information

The Fujifilm Group strives for thorough product safety management on a daily basis and to prepare for the risk of a product incident, we have established a system for prompt response and disclosure of information.

Process Flow for Product Safety Information

Fujifilm has implemented a thorough and consistent system for product safety management, including its subsidiaries based on the “Product Safety Policy” and “Product Safety Manual.” Our organizational structure is under the direct control of the president, so that if company-wide movements are needed, we can move strongly and quickly through close cooperation. Following the enforcement of Japan’s “Revised Consumer Product Safety Act” in May 2007, we have compiled a database of PL-related informational memos to speed up the information collection and our system for contacting relevant parties. In the event of a serious PL case that requires company-wide movement, it will be deliberated on by the general risk management committee or subcommittee, and we will respond quickly and strongly in cooperation with the business units in charge. Other PL cases will be deliberated on by the PL Committee, which holds regular meetings, so that this leads toward continuous improvement. Also, if guidance to customers is required, we will call attention to it by posting an “Important Notice to Our Customers” notice on our website. We will continue to implement thorough product safety management and work to disclose accurate information.

No serious incidents that fall under the Consumer Product Safety Act that was revised in May 2007 have occurred thus far.

Our Thoughts on Animal Testing for Cosmetic Products

Fujifilm has not conducted nor outsourced testing on animals for the product development of cosmetics (including non-medical products), nor do we have plans to do so in the future.*1

In addition, our policy is to not procure raw materials that have undergone animal experiments after April 1, 2017.

  • *1 Except in the event that we have an accountability for safety to society or when required by the government in some countries.