FUJIFILM Holdings' Sustainability Report mainly provides basic information and quantitative information on CSR activities in the fields of "Governance," "Environmental aspects," and "Social aspects," which are required by society.
![[image]Sustainability Report 2022](https://asset.fujifilm.com/holdings/files/2023-07/b473f5c3f986146d1107a614bd239bea/pic_sustainability_report_2022_01.png)
We do not publish a printed version, so please download the PDF version.
FUJIFILM Holdings' Sustainability Report is structured around each ESG (Environment, Society, Governance) theme, centering on data on the results of activities for fiscal 2021, in light of the increasing demand for information disclosure in recent years. At the end of the report, it also describes sustainability accounting, which expresses activity results numerically, and independent assurance.
In consideration of readability, we have used tables for "Fujifilm Holdings' philosophy," "various policies," and "outline of activities," and have taken care to make the data easy to understand.
Our Sustainable Value Plan 2030 (SVP2030) is a long-term plan with the same target year as the Paris Agreement and the SDGs. The plan, which was announced in August 2017 together with our medium-term management plan, VISION 2019, was created based on the CSR issues that have high materiality for both the Fujifilm Group and its stakeholders from the environmental and social aspects out of the three fields of our business activities. In its development, these issues were linked to those of the 17 SDGs that we can contribute.
To increase accessibility to the topics from the CSR issues, they are associated with the GRI standards. Further, continuous third-party opinion has been consulted on environmental and social data to ensure objective assessment and data accuracy.
For readers who are interested in more extensive information, visit our website that also contains archived data for the last five years. You can find the Integrated Report in the IR Materials on the FUJIFILM Holdings website. Fujifilm, FUJIFILM Business Innovation and other business companies have their own CSR websites for proactive disclosure of information. For more details on their CSR activities, please refer to each company's official website.
Please note that FUJIFILM Holdings has obtained independent assurance of the following information.
[Scope of Independent Assurance]
- Stakeholder management process for the report
- Greenhouse gases emissions [Scope 1 (including CFC), 2 and 3 (Category 1)]
- Energy consumption
- Volumes of water intake and discharge
- Volume of waste generated
- Volume of VOC emissions
- Data on personnel and labor
- Management systems supporting the reporting process
For details on the boundaries for each topic, please refer to the following website:
- Corporate Governance Guidelines
- Report on Corporate Governance (Tokyo Stock Exchange)
- Fujifilm Tax Policy
Disclosed as IR information (including governance)
- Integrated Report
- Yuka Shoken Hokokusho (Securities Report)
Disclosed as CSR information (including governance)
- Sustainability Report
- Site Report
![[figure]Process of Creating the Report](https://asset.fujifilm.com/holdings/files/2023-07/802ea1cf8c103fc2f63c961184650907/fig_sustainability_report_2022_01_en.png)
* Published in July 2022.
This report covers the same period as the Yuka Shoken Hokokusho (Securities Report), including the performance data: Fiscal 2021 (April 1, 2021 — March 31, 2022).
With regards to the contents of activities, wherever possible, we have conveyed the most recent trends, including activities in fiscal 2022.
The organizations covered in this report are the same as those covered in the Yuka Shoken Hokokusho (Securities Report):
The Fujifilm Group (FUJIFILM Holdings, and all consolidated companies).
Major consolidated companies are shown on our website.
July 2022 (next report: July 2023, previous report: July 2021/Management Performance, September 2021/SVP Stories),
published once a year.
- Japan’s Ministry of the Environment: Environmental Reporting Guidelines (2018 Version)
- GRI: The GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards (Core option)
- SASB: Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (Hardware)
- ISO 26000: Social Responsibility
The term “employees” refers to all employees, including managers, general employees, and part-time staff. The term“company employees” indicates employees (full-time staff). To further ensure the accuracy of the report, the terms “regular employees” and “non-regular employees” (temporary staff, part-time staff, others) have been used separately as required.
ESG Division, FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation