Home Sustainability CSR plan Sustainable Value Plan 2030 Work Style

Sustainable Value Plan 2030

Work Style

Promote social change where every person is motivated in the workplace through extending our in-house work style reforms.

Social Background and Issues Goals under Sustainable Value Plan 2030
  1. Create environments that lead to a motivated workplace

  2. Develop and utilize diverse human resources

The Fujifilm Group has brought evolution to communications in society through combining familiar paper data with digital data and seamlessly integrating with cloud services and mobile solutions. Enabling people to access and share the information in various forms with ease and without any conscious of the digital divide, we will expand the possibilities for providing various services and work styles in every possible workplace. As we face the necessity for prompt work style reforms amid the COVID-19 pandemic, we aim to further utilize the latest technologies—including AI and IoT—to support new ways of working and communications in the new normal toward our ultimate goal of building a “sustainable society with job satisfaction.”

In addition, we believe that the capacity building of each employee and demonstration of the performance will contribute to our own company’s growth and ultimately to society through our business. For this reason, we strive to create workplace that our diverse employees can exert their capabilities to the fullest extent.

Priority Issues 1. Create Environments That Lead to a Motivated Workplace

Target for 2030

Contribute to generate the innovation for organizations and society by offering solutions and services that support increasing worker's productivity and exerting their creativity

We aim to realize work styles that enhance people’s creativity through offering to reform our means of communications. For example, we can automate business processes by seamlessly connecting multifunction devices and document information input through such devices.
This can drastically improve productivity. At the same time, we plan to utilize our exclusive advanced technologies, such as natural language processing and image recognition, which we have cultivated over the years, along with AI and Big Data analysis, to extract valuable information. Then, we use this information to go beyond conventional work style reform to create a work environment that enables people to exert their intellectual creativity and satisfy their work. This in turn will contribute to innovative creation in organizations and in society.

2. Develop and Utilize Diverse Human Resources

Target for 2030

Create frameworks and workplaces so that the Fujifilm Group's diverse employees may exert their capabilities and creativity to the fullest extent

  • Percentage of international employees (i.e. non-Japanese) in major positions in the Fujifilm Group 35%
  • Percentage of women in managerial positions in the Fujifilm Group 25%
  • Percentage of women in managerial positions in the Fujifilm Group Japan 15%
  • Percentage of employees with disabilities according to the group-wide calculation (in Japan) 2.35%*1
  • Job retention rate three years after returning from childcare leave (in Japan) 100%
  • Job retention rate three years after returning from nursing care leave (in Japan) 100%

To create and develop a high-growth business and accelerate the global expansion in an ever-changing business environment, it is important for a company to develop human resources who support such business by creating an environment where diverse employees can exert their capabilities to the fullest extent. The Fujifilm Group has been creating frameworks to find, foster, and utilize human resources from a global group-wide viewpoint. Fujifilm Group also provides necessary training to develop human resources worldwide who can proactively create innovation to adjust to social changes. We are also working to develop a corporate culture in which each member of our diverse employees can exert their capabilities, embracing differences of race, gender, nationality, disability, and age.

  • *1 The target being reviewed vis-a-vis anticipated change in the legally-stipulated rate of employment of people with disabilities