Home Sustainability CSR activity report Work Style Develop and Utilize Diverse Human Resources (Priority Issue 2)

CSR activity report│Work Style

Develop and Utilize Diverse Human Resources (Priority Issue 2)

The Fujifilm Group believes that we can contribute to a richer society by generating new values through respecting, accepting, and being inspired by each employee’s personality and individuality regardless of their backgrounds and values. We aim to be a robust organization where diversified employees can exert their capabilities to the fullest extent.

We have achieved positive results on the percentage of women in executive and managerial positions, and the employment rate of people with disabilities. This was achieved through a number of efforts, including maintaining and enhancing the flexible work style to suit different life stages, such as childbirth, childcare, and nursing care; implementing job retention measures for employees with disabilities; and providing workshops for female employees. We are also maintaining our efforts in training and making optimum HR allocation globally.

Human Resource Development

The Fujifilm Group implements the following measures to develop individuals who can survive global business competition: (1) Reinforcing employees’ global business capabilities including language skills; (2) Providing opportunities for overseas working experience and systematic job appointments for skill development; and (3) Developing talented local employees in overseas subsidiaries and proactively appointing such employees. We identified major positions in overseas subsidiaries (Global Executive Positions) and provided the Regional Leadership Program to train successors for each region. In addition, we are reinforcing our human resource portfolio to expand business globally by accepting overseas subsidiary employees and foreign students in Japanese offices, as well as increasing the number of foreign national employees.

Further, we are providing future executive training programs based on carrier stage to develop core employees responsible for corporate management in the future.


To enable employees who have various values to continue to perform well, we are expanding our flexible work styles, such as work-at-home system and more accessible paid holidays, so that our employees can continue working while experiencing major life events, such as childcare and nursing care. We are also raising awareness of work-life balance by providing a range of related seminars. We are particularly focusing on women empowerment in the office through multidimensional support, along with OJT and OFF-JT to develop human resources to play core roles. In order to increase the percentage of women in executive and managerial positions, Fujifilm has been offering a number of support programs, including the Re- Employment Program, the Work-at-Home System, and the Paid Leave by the Hour System from the viewpoint of skill application of diverse employees as a part of our Work Style Innovation activities, which we started in 2014. Fujifilm’s other women empowerment programs include the career design training program for women employees, the job returning support program after childcare leave, and a work balance support seminar, etc. In addition to similar programs to those of Fujifilm, FUJIFILM Business Innovation also implements a range of measures under their action plan based on the Act of Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace. In November 2022 we established the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) Promotion Group*1 within the Human Resources Division. Based on the concept of “recognizing and supporting each other’s diverse +STORY,” we are taking measures to promote the advancement of women, help employees balance work and childcare/nursing care, and encourage male employees to participate in childcare. In these ways, we are working to transform our culture to ensure that efficient work styles produce good outcomes.

As a part of diversity enhancement, we are promoting the employment of people with disabilities under the medium to long-term targets. In FY2022, the rate within the entire Fujifilm Group reached 2.45% as a result of reinforcement of inter-group collaborations based on the group-wide calculation method under FUJIFILM Holdings. We aim to create workplaces where everyone are motivated regardless of their disabilities.

  • *1 Reorganized to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Promotion Office as of October 1, 2023.
TOPICS Promoting Talented Employees Worldwide

Percentage of international employees*2 in major positions*3 in the Fujifilm Group
FY2030 target: 35%, FY2022 results: 27.8%

Percentage of international employees in major positions

As of March 31, 2023

  FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2030 Target
Fujifilm Group 27.1% 27.7% 27.8% 35%
Promoting Women in Leadership

Percentage of women in managerial positions in the Fujifilm Group
FY2030 target: 25%, FY2022 results: 16.5%

Percentage of women in managerial positions in the Fujifilm Group Japan
FY2030 target: 15%, FY2022 results: 6.9%

We aim to promote talented female employees to managerial positions across the Fujifilm Group, and at the same time, we plan to enhance hiring of a greater number of female future-manager candidates.

In Japan, FUJIFLM Corporation and FUJIFILM Business Innovation individually formulated a five-year action plan covering FY2021-2025 for promoting women’s advancement in response to The Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace. Both plans have been made public.

The percentage of female managers is between 10 and 14% in the manufacturing industry in Japan. We have set steadily achievable targets based on our past records.

Percentage of Women in Managerial Positions
  FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2030 target
Fujifilm Group*4 15.4% 16.1% 16.5% 25.0%
Fujifilm Group Japan 5.8% 6.4% 6.9% 15.0%

*4 Based on the definition by each overseas subsidiary

Continuing to Exceed the Legally-Stipulated Rate of Employment of People with Disabilities

Percentage of employees with disabilities according to the group-wide calculation under FUJIFILM

FY2030 target: Higher than the legally-specified percentage (2.35%), FY2022 results: 2.45%

Since fiscal 2016, the Fujifilm Group Japan’s percentage of employees with disabilities remains higher than the legally-specified percentage. We will continue to maintain this figure in the future.

In order to create inclusive workplace for all employees including members with disabilities, we continue our collaboration with external agencies such as the Vocational Training Center for the Disabled. Together with those experts, we have identified jobs for physically challenged employees and supported their retention. Further, we have set up new workplaces to help people with intellectual or mental disabilities gain opportunities to actively participate in working.

Percentage of Employment of Persons with Disabilities*5

As of March 31, 2023

  FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2030 Target
Fujifilm Group Japan 2.32% 2.42% 2.48% 2.47% 2.45% 2.35%

*5 We disclose the actual percentage determined by the group-wide calculation method under FUJIFILM Holdings.

Achieve Zero Retirement of Employees Caused by Childcare and Nursing Care

Job retention rate three years after returning from childcare leave
FY2030 target : 100% (Fujifilm Group Japan), FY2022 results: 89.4% (FUJIFILM Corporation)

Job retention rate three years after returning from nursing care leave.
FY2030 target : 100% (Fujifilm Group Japan), FY2022 results : 100% (FUJIFILM Corporation)

Returning Rate from Childcare and Nursing Care leaves
FUJIFILM Corporation
  Total Male Female
Returning rate from childcare leave*6 98.4% (62/63) 100% (25/25) 97.4% (37/38)
Returning rate from nursing care leave*6 100% (4/4) 100% (1/1) 100% (3/3)
Retention rate after 3 years from reinstatement (childcare)*7 89.4% (42/47) 100% (16/16) 83.9% (26/31)
Retention rate after 3 years from reinstatement (nursing care)*8 100% (1/1) N/A 100% (1/1)
FUJIFILM Business Innovation Corp.
  Total Male Female
Returning rate from childcare leave*6 95.6% (87/91) 98.4% (63/64) 88.9% (24/27)
Returning rate from nursing care leave*6 100% (9/9) 100% (7/7) 100% (2/2)
Retention rate after 3 years from reinstatement (childcare)*7 70.3% (78/111) 63.8% (30/47) 75.0% (48/64)
Retention rate after 3 years from reinstatement (nursing care)*8 100% (1/1) 100% (1/1) N/A
  • *6 Returning rate = Number of returned employees whose expiration date of the leave arrived in FY2022 / Number of all employees whose expiration date of the leave arrived in FY2022
  • *7 Retention rate after 3 years from reinstatement (childcare = Number of employees as of the end of the current fiscal year among those who reinstated in the second preceding fiscal year / Number of employees reinstated after the leave in the second preceding fiscal year
  • *8 Based on the same method as *7
Reforming the Work Environment Providing work spaces to help productivity Activities of each operating company
Human Resource Development (Fujifilm)
Diversity (Fujifilm)
Major Activities in Engagement with Employee (FUJIFILM Business Innovation)
Other work style priority issues