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CSR Management

Our structure to promote CSR activities, priority issues and specific measures are introduced here, together with the progress and results of the activities.

We established our Approach to CSR in 2006 in view of the importance of CSR in achieving sustainable growth in an age of tumultuous changes in the business environment, and of its value not only to top management but to each and every employee. Subsequently, several policy statements (the Green Policy, Social Contribution Policy, Guidelines for Biodiversity, Procurement Policy, Quality Policy, Occupational Health and Safety Policy, Global Security Trade Control Policy, AI Policy and Information Security Policy) have been established. In 2018, we clearly stated the human right statement and all the employees promote CSR activities.

The Fujifilm Group established the ESG Committee chaired by the President of FUJIFILM Holdings. The Committee takes decisions on the important matters relating to the CSR activities of the entire Group. The ESG Division of FUJIFILM Holdings, which is the Secretariat of the ESG Committee, is responsible ensuring rigorous CSR management by the Fujifilm Group. The ESG Division considers the priority issues for the entire Group, discloses information outside, communicates with stakeholders, supports the CSR activities of Group companies, audits the CSR activities of the entire Group, and operation of the whistle-blowing offices.

The ESG department in each Group company prepares and implements specified plans according to the groupwide CSR plan. It reviews the annual results and reports on activities to the FUJIFILM Holdings ESG Committee. The Group as a whole moves our CSR activities forward.

The Fujifilm Group’s CSR promotion system
Items related to CSR management