Home Sustainability CSR activity report Health Promote Management of a Healthy Workplace (Priority Issue 5)

CSR activity report│Health

Promote Management of a Healthy Workplace (Priority Issue 5)

Initiative to Promote Employee Wellness

The Fujifilm Group’s Corporate Philosophy includes our pledge to help improve health in society and enhance quality of life of people worldwide. To realize this philosophy, the Sustainable Value Plan 2030 (the foundations of the Group’s business management strategies for sustainable growth) emphasizes “health” as one of the top priority issues, and we are working to create a healthy society through the healthcare business. 
We also believe that the health and wellness of our employees is essential in achieving our Corporate Philosophy and Vision (Fujifilm Group’s Ideals), so we have adopted the Fujifilm Group Employee Wellness Declaration in 2019. We are quickly implementing measures to improve the health and wellness of employees throughout the Group. Our goal is to grow our business, company and community, and we are committed to helping create a society where people can live long, healthy lives. 

We will set quantifiable goals to be addressed up to 2025, and continue to improve the level of employee wellness through the PDCA cycle of action and assessment and plan to share our results with the public. We also plan to expand these employee wellness promotion activities not only in Japan but also worldwide to raise the bottom line of awareness across the Group by rolling out good practices.

Fujifilm Group Strategy Map for Management of a Healthy Workplace
A strategy map for management of a healthy workplace which shows basic activities to actively promote value creation processes of Fujifilm Group
Review of FY2019 - 2022
  • In addition to setting shared KPIs for the common group, the Employee Wellness Managers, Employee Wellness Promotion Managers, and persons in charge at each group company were appointed. We launched group-wide initiatives to achieve shared numerical targets for the group in five priority areas.
  • We set up “Wellness Portal Site” which provides information about employee wellness on the company’s intranet and started a series of special features on employee wellness in the in-house magazine*1. We also hung posters in the workplace to educate employees.
  • In February 2020, every executive of Fujifilm and FUJIFILM Business Innovation and all Presidents of affiliated companies published their own Health Declarations on “Wellness Portal Site”. This is how we showed that health is a priority for all of Fujifilm group and we were able to accelerate the implementation of the employee wellness-focused management.
  • All domestic group employees (about 43,000 people) took the health e-learning course supervised by occupational health physicians. Also being expanded to subcontractors and business partners.
    • FY2019: Employee Wellness Declaration; basic knowledge of cancer and lifestyle diseases; 
    • FY2020: COVID-19 infection, sleep and health
    • FY2021: Mental health care during COVID-19
    • FY2022: Recommendations for stomach & colon cancer screening
    • FY2023: Understanding and selfcare of menopause
  • To determine employee level of understanding and implementation of the Management of a Healthy Workplace, “Measures to Improve Health” have been added to the personnel evaluation items since fiscal 2019, with opportunities arranged for better communication between superiors and subordinates about “being healthy and highly motivated while working.” The company supports all efforts to bolster rates for “Understanding the Management of a Healthy Workplace and Measures to Improve Health are fully implemented” as evaluated by both superiors and subordinates up to 100% (cf. 91.9% in fiscal 2022).
  • In order to improve the health literacy of our employees, we distributed seminars*2 and health columns*3 by medical staff (industrial physicians, public health nurses, and nurses) and specialists to all Fujifilm Group employees in Japan.
  • *1 Autumn 2019: Adoption of the Employee Wellness Declaration; New year 2020: Colorectal cancer; Spring 2020: Smoking cessation; Summer 2020: Feature stories on employees who quit smoking; Autumn 2020: The Seven Wellness-promoting Actions; New year 2021: Sleep; and Spring 2021: Appropriate weight control; New year 2023: Employee health promotion supported by the Fujifilm Group
  • *2 FY2019: colorectal cancer, FY2020: breast cancer, FY2021: alcohol-free day, oral hygiene, endoscopy, FY2022: Quit smoking, breast cancer, mental health selfcare
  • *3 FY2021: Mental health care during COVID-19, FY2022: Walking, measures against heatstroke
Focus Areas KPI Medium-term Target
Lifestyle Disease Prevention BMI 25 or higher (%) 21% 27.0% 26.9% 26.8%
HbA1C 6.0 or higher (%) 6% 7.8% 7.7% 7.9%
Promoting Anti-smoking Awareness Smokers 12% 20.8% 19.6% 18.3%
Cancer Prevention and Treatment Screening Rate Lung Cancer 100% 98.9% 99.4% 99.3%
Stomach Cancer 100% 84.7% 81.9% 80.0%
Ratio of endoscopy 90%+ 60.7% 59.9% 64.1%
Colorectal Cancer 100% 91.5% 88.8% 89.6%
Breast Cancer 90%+ 79.7% 77.5% 80.1%
Uterine Cancer 90%+ 66.9% 65.9% 67.2%

Population surveyed: Fujifilm Group employees in Japan
(Stomach and colorectal cancer screening rate is for those 40 years of age or above)

Major Initiatives
Lifestyle Disease Prevention
Cancer Prevention and Treatment
Promoting Anti-smoking Awareness
Supporting Mental Health Initiatives
Maintaining Appropriate Working Hours
Other Activities
  • Developing the Health Report
  • Addressing Women’s Health Issues
Promoting Occupational Health and Safety Domestic and International Appraisals

29 companies in the Fujifilm Group have been certified as Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization 2024.

Based on the initiative by Nippon Kenko Kaigi to improve health, the Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization certification program offered by METI recognizes major corporations as well as small- and midsize-corporations with a particularly good health and productivity management program. We received this recognition because of our group-wide efforts to improve health and productivity as well as the involvement of our group companies.

Certified as a Hall of Fame Company of Mie Tokowaka Management of Healthy Workplace, FUJIFILM Manufacturing Corp. Suzuka Center

FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation, FUJIFILM Corporation and FUJIFILM Business Innovation Corp. have been certified as 2024 Sports Yell Companies.

“Sports Yell Company” is a program that certifies companies actively engaged in sports activities to improve the health of their employees. We have a track record of having historically engaged in sports activities throughout the company and its business offices such as company-wide walk events (Arukatsu), hosted by the Fujifilm Group Health Insurance Association and entrenching exercise habit of “walking at least 30 minutes a day” as one of the Fujifilm Group’s Seven Wellness-promoting Actions. Our companies were recognized for these activities.

Plans related to our Healthy workplace

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