Home Sustainability Searching from the viewpoints of CSR Guideline Comparison Tables GRI Guideline: [GRI 3] Material Topics

Searching from the viewpoints of CSR

Guideline Comparison Tables GRI Guideline: [GRI 3] Material Topics

This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards.

Indicator References Pages
3-1 Process to determine material topics Background of CSR Planning and Process for Identifying Priority Issues (Materiality) P.9-12
3-2 List of material topics SVP 2030 Major Results and Activities in FY2022 P.13-14
3-3 Management of material topics SVP 2030 Major Results and Activities in FY2022 P.13-14
The CSR Plan of the Fujifilm Group Sustainable Value Plan 2030 (SVP 2030) P.15-17