CSR activity report


Improve and maintain governance structures by further disseminating an open, fair and clear corporate culture.

Aim for zero cases of misconduct and major legal violations by disseminating an open, fair and clear corporate culture.

Targets for FY2030 Major activities of FY2022 Self-
Aim for zero cases of misconduct and major legal violations by disseminating an open, fair and clear corporate culture
  • Implemented training programs organized globally, including anti-corruption training for compliance with laws and regulations of various countries, as well as for the Fujifilm Group Charter for Corporate Behavior and Code of Conduct.
  • Organized drills on first response at a cyber-incident with participation of executive officers and managers of business divisions who are responsible for information security.
  • Implemented globally the Fujifilm Group Employee Engagement Survey that consolidated the past compliance awareness surveys to cover all executive officers and employees.

Future Activities and Targets

Further enhance Board of Directors' deliberations on medium-to long-term issues, such as sustainability, measures for value improvement in society, DX strategies, and human resource strategies, and improve transparency of management decision-making

Reinforcement of Governance

Improved audit capabilities through consolidation of audit organizations and introduction of advanced IT-based audit methods

In September 2017, FUJIFILM Holdings established its Global Audit Division, consolidating the existing audit organizations in each Group company, to create a system for the direct auditing of consolidated subsidiaries. This has led to the centralization of information at each company, swift reporting of action, effective utilization of auditing human resources scattered across the Group and other benefits that led to the auditing of all 300 companies in the Group in three years.

In conducting audits, we have introduced a new auditing method that utilizes IT, and one of these is the e-mail forensics system. In general, they are often outsourced to external organizations in times of emergency and are not used much for regular internal audits. However, we use our own AI and other internal mechanisms to develop our own systems. By combining this with more detailed internal data, we improve accuracy. Using this system enables us to grasp the corporate culture in addition to identifying signs of fraud and problems. Following the introduction of the system in Japan, we sequentially promote its application to the group companies overseas.

Compliance and Risk Management

Charter for Corporate Behavior and Code of Conduct

The Fujifilm Group reviews the Charter for Corporate Behavior and Code of Conduct in step with changes in society and business operations. Revisions are made from a global perspective, and the new versions are shared globally in all 24 languages to ensure a correct understanding by employees in each country. In July 2021, the Message from Top Management has been updated to reflect the Fujifilm Group Charter for Corporate Behavior and Code of Conduct.

The employees who violate the Code of Conduct possibly become subject to disciplinary measures depending on the content of the violation.

In the healthcare business, we recognize that higher ethical conduct and transparency and fair business activities are requested by society and the regulatory authorities in each country. In accordance with this situation, in July 2020 we established the Fujifilm Group Global Healthcare Code of Conduct that must be adhered to in promoting proper business activities.

Please refer to the Sustainability Report for details of our initiatives.

Compliance & risk management

Activities Sustainability Report Other Related Material Links
Initiatives for Risk Management Related Materials and Data:Compliance & Risk Management [PDF: 4.48MB] Compliance & Risk Management
Initiatives to Promote Compliance
  • Compliance Education
  • Awareness survey
  • Internal Reporting System and Consultation Desk
Related Materials and Data:Compliance & Risk Management [PDF: 4.48MB] Compliance & Risk Management
Anti-Corruption (Bribery) Related Materials and Data:Compliance & Risk Management [PDF: 4.48MB]  
Prevention of Anti-Competitive Practices Related Materials and Data:Compliance & Risk Management [PDF: 4.48MB]  
Initiative on the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Act
(Act on Securing Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Products Including Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices)
Related Materials and Data:Compliance & Risk Management [PDF: 4.48MB]  
Export and Import Control Related Materials and Data:Compliance & Risk Management [PDF: 4.48MB] Global Security Trade Control Policy
Information security and Privacy protection Related Materials and Data:Compliance & Risk Management [PDF: 4.48MB] Information Security Policy
Information Security Report
Fujifilm Group Code of Conduct: Respect for Human Rights (Protection of Privacy)
Fujifilm Group Code of Conduct: Protection/Preservation of Corporate Assets and Information (Protection of Personal Information)
Fujifilm Group Procurement Policy: Requests to Suppliers
Response to large-scale natural disasters Related Materials and Data:Compliance & Risk Management [PDF: 4.48MB]