The Fujifilm Group recognizes that respect for human rights is our responsibility. We clearly state our commitment to this responsibility in the Fujifilm Group’s Charter for Corporate Behavior and Code of Conduct, which is available in 24 languages. The Charter for Corporate Behavior and the Code of Conduct state our fundamental approach to respecting human rights.
We established the Fujifilm Group Human Rights Statement, which declares our support for a range of global human rights principles, including the UN International Bill of Human Rights and the UN’s Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. This statement outlines our commitment to taking necessary measures to assess and mitigate any risks that may negatively impact human rights in our business activities. To create the Human Rights Statement, we sought opinions and advice from our Group companies and external stakeholders. It was introduced after being adopted by the CSR Committee (currently the ESG Committee), which is chaired by the President of FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation, in 2018.
In the Fujifilm Group, priority issues related to human rights, as well as the outcomes of measures taken to prevent and mitigate any violations, are reported to and deliberated on by the FUJIFILM Holdings ESG Committee, chaired by the President, and subsequently reported to the Board of Directors. The policy of the ESG Committee clearly states that the Committee shall deliberate and make decisions on activities aimed at identifying significant human rights issues in business activities and preventing or reducing any such issues.
The relevant department allocates resources on a daily basis to ensure respect for human rights, depending on the potential impact. The Human Resources Division addresses issues concerning Fujifilm Group employees, while the procurement divisions handle issues concerning suppliers or in-plant contractors. Prior to completing a merger and acquisition or embarking on a new business venture involving a substantial investment, we conduct a comprehensive due diligence review that includes an assessment of the investment's compliance with human rights standards.
The Fujifilm Group has implemented a human rights due diligence process in accordance with the procedures outlined in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. This process covers all our business activities. To facilitate our process, we referred to the requirements outlined in the UN Guiding Principles Reporting Framework with Implementation Guidance, which we studied in the Human Rights Due Diligence Working Group under the Global Compact Network Japan.
As part of our due diligence process, we identify both potential and actual risks related to human rights. We investigate the various stages of our value chain where these risks are likely to occur, specify the individuals who may be negatively impacted, and assess the likelihood and severity of potential impacts. Based on this assessment, we develop and implement preventive or mitigating measures. We also maintain open lines of communication with external stakeholders and disclose relevant information.
Our findings from the risk assessment are summarized in the form of a risk map, which is periodically revisited and updated to ensure ongoing alignment with our commitment to upholding human rights.
Within the Fujifilm Group, the ESG Committee plays a crucial role in recognizing and reviewing groupwide priority risks in our business activities from various perspectives. In the most recent mapping process for fiscal year 2023, issues were identified with a particular focus on the perspective of human rights as a mandatory element.

In fiscal 2019, we conducted a reassessment of potential human rights issues based on the nature of our businesses and the countries in which we operate. We carried out an evaluation to determine their potential impact and severity. As a result, we identified three priority human rights issues that were discussed extensively among our top management during the regular Board of Directors meeting held in July 2020.
Since then, we have been implementing specific activities to address the following three priority issues, regularly reviewing our progress and making necessary adjustments.
(1) Inappropriate work environment and labor practices at suppliers;
(2) Long working hours, discrimination, and harassment of our employees;
(3) Violations of the rights of clinical trial participants in our healthcare business.

Chapter 1 of the Fujifilm Group Code of Conduct outlines our policies on Respect for Human Rights. In order to ensure compliance and address any concerns related to violations of the Code or infringements of human rights, our employees have access to internal whistle-blowing systems. Reports can be submitted to either (1) each company or region directly or (2) FUJIFILM Holdings. We prioritize maintaining the anonymity of whistle-blowers to ensure that employees are not subjected to unfavorable treatment as a result of their report.
Fujifilm Group accepts any type of enquiry, including consultations and conplaiants from suppliers at the website of “Contact regarding Sustainability”.
The Fujifilm Group is an official member of the Japan Center for Engagement and Remedy on Business and Human Rights (JaCER)*1 since June 2024.
The JaCER grievance form is available to all the people, entities, or groups in the Fujifilm Group value chain, to report actual or suspected human rights violation.
- *1 JaCER provides a non-judicial platform for grievance redress and acts in a professional capacity to support and promote redress of grievances by its member companies.
To further strengthen our engagement with employees, we launched the Fujifilm Group Employee Engagement Survey for the entire Group in fiscal 2022. This survey consolidates previous employee awareness surveys, covering topics such as compliance and brand management. With standardized global implementation, the survey allows us to gain insights from diverse perspectives and identify areas for improvement and development related to human rights issues concerning our employees. We will conduct this survey annually to continually enhance our understanding of and commitment to addressing human rights matters.
The Fujifilm Group has issued statements in compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 of the UK and the Modern Slavery Act 2018 of Australia.
The Fujifilm Group provides comprehensive global education to all executive officers and employees on the Human Rights Statement, as well as the Fujifilm Group’s Charter for Corporate Behavior and Code of Conduct. It is mandatory for all global executive officers and employees to declare their commitment to adhering to the Code of Conduct. Starting from the fiscal year 2023, we have also initialted the "Business and Human Rights" e-learning training program, with more than 46,000 officers and employees in Japan having already participated. Furthermore, we offer education and training specifically focused on the following three priority human rights issues.
To ensure that our suppliers understand our approach to procurement, it is essential for employees involved in our procurement activities to be knowledgeable about the significance of sustainable procurement. To promote awareness and emphasize the importance of respecting human rights, our regular in-house procurement meetings include presentations on sustainable procurement activities and discussions to address any human rights related issues.
Regarding human rights issues concerning our employees, we raise awareness and educate them through various training programs, including new employee training and training for newly appointed managers. In addition to familiarizing them with the Fujifilm Group Charter of Corporate Behavior and Code of Conduct, these programs incorporate comprehensive content on workforce management, including measures to prevent excessive working hours, promote mental health, and address harassment, particularly in the training for newly appointed managers.
To address the issue of overtime working hours, we closely monitor monthly overtime trends. Business divisions exceeding designated levels receive warnings and guidance, and we continuously implement necessary corrective measures. In addition to regular training programs, we also implement specific measures tailored to each company or business division to address harassment issues.
By implementing these initiatives, we aim to create a positive work environment that respects human rights and encourages the well-being of our employees.
The Fujifilm Group Global Healthcare Code of Conduct, published in fiscal 2020, begins with a declaration of our commitment to respecting the right to self-determination, dignity, privacy, and human rights of clinical trial participants.
The Global Healthcare Code of Conduct has been distributed throughout the Fujifilm Group. It applies to all executive officers and employees in our healthcare businesses, as well as subcontractors, temporary workers, sales agents, distributors, and other business partners and stakeholders involved in the provision, sales, and support of our healthcare products and services.
To ensure compliance with the standards and requirements of the Global Healthcare Code of Conduct, detailed In-house Guidelines have been released. In fiscal 2020, the first year of the Global Healthcare Code of Conduct, Healthcare Compliance Training Programs were conducted for approximately 3,500 employees in the healthcare business, which includes the medical systems and pharmaceuticals sectors. Additionally, a fundamental e-learning program was implemented for approximately 20,000 employees globally. We now regularly conduct training programs for all executive officers and employees in the healthcare business to reinforce adherence to the Code.
FUJIFILM Holdings is a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, a voluntary initiative that promotes fair operations in the areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. As part of our commitment, we actively collaborate with the Global Compact local network in Japan. Specifically, we participate in several working groups focused on human rights, including the Human Rights Due Diligence Working Group, Supply Chain Working Group, and Human Rights Education Working Group.
FUJIFILM Holdings has been actively participating in the Stakeholder Engagement Program (SHE)*2 since 2012. This program, organized by the Nippon CSR Consortium (with CRT Japan as the secretariat), facilitates discussions on human rights due diligence as recommended in the UN Guiding Principles on Human Rights and Business, as well as addressing industry-specific human rights issues. Through this program, we engage in valuable dialogue with NGOs, NPOs, academic experts, and other businesses.
- *2 CRT Stakeholder Engagement Program (SHE)