Home Sustainability CSR activity report Supply Chain

CSR activity report

Supply Chain

Strengthen CSR foundations across the entire supply chain including factors of the environment, ethics, and human rights.

Strengthen CSR Foundations across the Entire Supply Chain (Priority Issue)
Targets for FY2030 Major activities of FY2023 Self-
Realize sustainable procurement considering the environment, ethics and human rights
  • Self-check regarding sustainability
    Number of suppliers responded, Number of sites responded / Response rate : 995 suppliers, 1,493 sites / 96%
    Percentage of suppliers with 90% or over conformance rate : 69%
  • Supplier response rate for conflict minerals survey / Percentage of RMAP conformant smelters in the survey by segment 
    Electronics: 87% / 97%
    Business Innovation:99% / 63%
    Imaging:82% / 64%
  • FUJIFILM Business Innovation Corp. earned Platinum Medal from EcoVadis, while FUJIFILM Electronics Materials Shizuoka Site and  FUJIFILM Manufacturing Hai Phong (Vietnam) aquired RBA Platinum status from RBA.
Future Activities and Targets

To resolve environmental issues, it is important that we work together across the supply chain to reduce GHG emissions and energy consumption, seeking environmental solutions. We continue to build even closer relationships to help solve problems that our suppliers may encounter by offering support utilizing the technologies and knowledge concerning energy saving that our Group has accumulated.

Additionally, the Fujifilm Group is strengthening its efforts to respect human rights in its supply chain. In addition to disseminating our approach to CSR to our suppliers and conducting self-checks regarding sustainability, we are also implementing more effective initiatives, such as conducting follow-ups with suppliers concerning identified risks.

The Fujifilm Group’s pursuit of sustainable procurement is not only to avoid risks, but also for the positive benefits it brings. We believe that respecting the human rights of workers in the supply chain increases productivity and moral action, which in turn lead to the provision of better products and services, as well encouraging innovation. We aim to develop together with our suppliers by encouraging them to take initiatives in CSR activities to spread such positive effects.

Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management Initiatives of the Fujifilm Group

Data and Information
Items Links
Supply Chain Management
(Including Response to Conflict Minerals)
Supply Chain Management [PDF: 2.59MB]
Respect for human rights Human Rights [PDF: 2.59MB]
Biodiversity Conservation Biodiversity Conservation [PDF: 2.59MB]
Overview of CSR activities related to the supply chain

The figure below summarizes SVP2030 Priority Issues and other CSR activities of the Fujifilm Group from the perspective of the supply chain.

Each of the Group's SVP2030 priority issues is closely linked to each stage of the supply chain, from procurement to disposal and recycling.
Area Priority Issues
SVP2030 Priority Issues:

Priority Issue 1:
Address Climate Change

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Priority Issue2:
Promote Recycling of Resources

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Priority Issue3:
Biodiversity Conservation

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Priority Issue4:
Ensure Product and Chemical Safety

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SVP2030 Priority Issue:
Work Style

Priority Issue2:
Develop and Utilize Diverse Human Resources

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Other CSR Activities:
Social Contribution Activities
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Other CSR Activities:
Customer Relationship
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