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Volunteer Tree Planting Activities

(FUJIFILM’s Activities)

Tree Planting Volunteer Activities in Fujifilm

Fujifilm Workers' Union continues to send the employees overseas as Green Volunteers for social contribution activities. Green Volunteers had continued tree planting activities in China since 1998. After the 20th anniversary of the program in 2017, FUJIFILM (China) Investment Co., Ltd. (FFCN) took over the activity in China, and then Fujifilm Workers' Union started working on the reforestation of mangroves in the Can Gio region of Vietnam. Currently, we are continuing our activities with a focus on volunteer tree planting in the Horqin Desert in China.

Tree Planting Activities History




4th Cohort

  • The Fujifilm Workers’ Union started the tree planting activity in Engebei (Kubuqi Desert), collaborated with the Japan Association for Greening Deserts.




9th Cohort

  • From 5th Cohort, activities expanded into the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (Horqin Desert), collaborated with the NPO “Green Network”.




19th Cohort

  • Chinese subsidiary members participated in earnest from 2007. In 2008, Unit tree planting began. It was named the Fujifilm Workers’ Union Forest.
  • In July 2009, the Eco Planning Dialogue was held in Shanghai, China.
  • In July 2012, the 15th Anniversary Reception was held in Kanchika, China.
  • In August 2016, Fujifilm Workers’ Union final dispatch/FFCN Activity 10th Anniversary Ceremony was held.




26th Cohort

  • In July 2017, Fujifilm Workers’ Union started mangrove-planting activity in the Can Gio region, Vietnam.
  • In August 2017, The organizer of this program was transferred from the Fujifilm Workes' Union to FFCN.
  • 2020-2022: Fujifilm Workers' Union canceled the program due to the spread of COVID-19.
  • 2020-2022: FFCN held the online event for employees and donation of seedlings.
  • In August 2023, FFCN conducted tree planting activities in the Horqin Desert for the first time in four years. 25th anniversary ceremony was held.
Tree Planting Volunteer Activities in China

Since its official joining in the tree planting activities in 2007, FUJIFILM (China) Investment Co., Ltd. has engaged in tree planting activities in areas such as Horqin Desert of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in China with Fujifim Workers' Union.

They gave up visiting the site from 2020 to 2022 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead, they made an educational program using a smartphone app, WeChat, which is used for their internal communications. They also held an online event designed to raise employees' awareness on environmental issues with fun.

In addition, FFCN also donated seedlings to Green Network, an NPO with which FFCN has been collaborating. In fiscal 2023, when local activities became possible for the first time in four years, 43 employees from group companies in China participated and planted 300 seedlings (August 18 to 21, 2023). A ceremony was also held to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the event. In China, we have planted 52,520 trees in total during the 25 years, and that has covered 34 hectares of land with the trees.

Employee volunteers planting trees
Employee volunteers who participated
Fujifilm Group Volunteer Activities for Tree Planting Celebrates 25th Anniversary
Tree Planting Volunteer Activities in Vietnam

Since 1998, Fujifilm Workers' Union had engaged in tree planting activities in Kubuqi Desert and Horqin Desert of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in China. After celebrating the 20th anniversary of the program in 2017, its program partner, FFCN took over the activity for Green Volunteers because the activities have been established in the company, and Fujifilm Workers' Union began to work on the reforestation of mangroves in the Can Gio region of Vietnam.

Can Gio region used to be an area with mangrove trees and various living creatures, but owing to the defoliants used by U.S. military during the Vietnam War, 40,000 hectares of mangrove forest was damaged. After the war, the area was designated as a national park, and 75% of the forest was recovered due to the tree planting activities of local people and volunteers from overseas. However, coastal erosion has been in progress, tree planting activities are still required to preserve and restore the ecosystem. On remembering historical background and the damage on the ecosystem caused by war, Fujifilm Workers’ Union have been strived to foster mangroves with the determination never to repeat the mistake. Since 2017 to 2019, more than 70 participants from Fujifilm Workers' Union and subsidiary in Vietnam have participated in this activities.

Mangrove Planting Activities by Green Volunteers

Seedling transplanting

Planted seeds

Planting a sapling

Green Volunteers: Experience Report 2019
Introduction of Past Activities Press Conference Reception Green Volunteers: Experience Report