The Fujifilm Group’s approach to corporate social responsibility is to contribute to the sustainable development of society through sincere and fair business activities.
We will not only fulfill our economic and legal responsibilities, but also:
- endeavor to understand global as well as local environmental and social issues and create value to address these issues through our business activities.
- continue to evaluate the environmental and social impact of our business activities and strive to improve the performance while increasing our positive impact on society.
- constantly reassess whether our activities are responding adequately to the demands and expectations of society through proactive stakeholder engagement with our stakeholders.
- enhance corporate transparency by actively disclosing information

Fujifilm Group established its Approach to CSR in 2006 and revised it in 2014 in step with social changes to promote awareness in and implementation by every employee. We have also established various Policy statements and facilitated relevant activities under these Policies.

Names of Regulations and Policies | Time of Adoption/Revision |
Fujifilm Group’s Purpose | Formulated January 2024 |
Code of Conduct・Charter for Corporate Behavior | Revised April 2019
Global Healthcare Code of Conduct | Revised January 2024 |
Approach to CSR | Revised May 2014
Human Rights Statement | Revised April 2019 |
DE&I Vision | Formulated March 2024 |
Green Policy (Environmental Policy) | Revised April 2019 |
Social Contribution Policy | Revised April 2019 |
Guidelines for Biodiversity | Revised April 2019 |
Procurement Policy | Revised April 2020 |
Quality Policy | Revised April 2019 |
Occupational Safety and Health Policy | Revised April 2019 |
Wellness Declaration | Formulated September 2019 |
Global Security Trade Control Policy | Formulated May 2015 |
AI Policy | Formulated December 2020 |
Information Security Policy | Revised April 2021 |
DX Vision | Formulated July 2021 |
Tax Policy | Formulated June 2018 |
Fujifilm Group has made the Fujifilm Group’s Approach to CSR to encourage all our employees to commit themselves to the fulfillment of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in their daily business operations. The Fujifilm Group’s business originated with motion picture/photographic film, products for which lots of clean water and fresh air are essential to the manufacturing process. They are also products which require customers to “buy on trust,” since they cannot try them out beforehand. Thus, for the Fujifilm Group, an approach which emphasizes environmental conservation and maintaining the trust of stakeholders has been a major premise at the very foundations of our business activities. This approach is the starting point for our corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities and continues to be passed down within our Group, as the Fujifilm Group’s “DNA.”
On the occation of our 90th anniversary, we established the Group’s Purpose “Giving our world more smiles” in January 2024. Under the banner of the Group’s Purpose, the Fujifilm Group aimes to become a company that further contributes to the realization of a sustainable society by further working to solve social issues through its business activities by providing innovative technologies, products and services.
We are currently promoting our CSR plan “Sustainable Value Plan 2030 (SVP2030)” and our mid-term management plan “VISION2030”. SVP2030 is expected to lay the foundations of the Group’s business management strategies for sustainable growth, with fiscal 2030 as the goal. “VISION2030”, on the other hand, is an action plan to achieve the goals of SVP2030.
We will continue to make further contributions to the realization of a sustainable society by promoting these plans with the aspirations of all employees of the Group.
We bring diverse ideas, unique capabilities,
and extraordinary people together to change the world.

We have defined the ideal company for 2030 as one that enhances the corporate value of the Group with focusing on profitability and capital efficiency, changes the world step by step as a collection of the global top-tier businesses, and creates value for various stakeholders. To achieve this,we will work on four priority issues.